Postgraduate Medical Education

The PGME Resource Stewardship Online and Self-Initiated Project

Choosing Wisely Manitoba has been working with the University of Manitoba Rady College of Medicine to develop an online course for students that focuses on the impact of overuse, underuse and misuse of resources.

At the postgraduate level, Choosing Wisely Manitoba has been working with students and faculty to introduce concepts of resource stewardship within medicine. For example, the PGME Resource Stewardship Online and Self-Initiated Project is a course that focuses on the impact of overuse, underuse and misuse of resources using antibiotic stewardship as an illustrative example. The course is to be taken in R1 or R2 by Family practice residents and between R1 and R5 by all other programs. All residents will complete a self-initiated small project examining a resource stewardship issue relevant to their practice. Family practice residents will undertake this in R2 while other residents will undertake this in their R2 and beyond.

University of Manitoba UM Learn Online – Resource Stewardship Online and Self-Initiated Project, click here.

Choosing Wisely Canada has been working with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) to include resource stewardship as a competency within the 2015 CanMEDS frameworks for the RCPSC and CFPC. An RCPSC Toolkit was developed to support clinician teachers and postgraduate program directors to embed resource stewardship competencies required by CanMEDS into training programs.

Click here to view the toolkits.

Interested in a research project focused on resource stewardship? Check back for a list of new projects.