About Us

Choosing Wisely Manitoba works with clinicians, patients, researchers and health care leaders to help them engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures, with the intention of facilitating high-quality care for Manitobans.

In 2012 the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation launched Choosing Wisely® with a goal of advancing a national dialogue on avoiding wasteful or unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures.

In the summer of 2013, Shared Health (Formerly Diagnostic Services Manitoba) undertook a review of the then over 350 recommendations from Choosing Wisely® to identify diagnostic tests that that may be inappropriate and may lead to unnecessary treatments and follow-ups.

Phase 1: Proof of Concept

Choosing Wisely – Made in Manitoba
July 2013 to present

In early 2014 Shared Health partnered with the George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) to form Choosing Wisely Manitoba (CWM), an initiative to improve health outcomes, patient and provider experiences and health system efficiencies and sustainability. Choosing Wisely Canada (CWC) initiated its “Early Adopter Collaborative”; and with the advance work done by Shared Health/CHI, Manitoba became one of the earliest of adopters in Canada.

In January 2015, CWM hosted its inaugural Physician engagement session/think-tank; thus beginning the second phase of Choosing Wisely Manitoba.

Phase 2: Clinical Engagement

Choosing Wisely – a clinician-championed initiative
January 2015 to present

In Phase 2 we engaged with physicians and other health practitioners to raise awareness and create a “grass-roots, front-line, physician-championed” movement.

We have been very successful in our first two phases, with a conservatively estimated $1-3 million dollars being reinvested back into the health care system from the implementation of the first few Choosing Wisely Manitoba initiatives.

To expand on these initiatives, our third phase focuses on engaging patients, the public and business community. By expanding our network, we can take steps towards changing the conversation and creating new innovative approaches in our efforts in resource stewardship and creating a more sustainable health care system in Manitoba.

Phase 3: Public Engagement

Choosing Wisely – engaging patients and the public
July 2016 to future

To expand on these initiatives, our third phase focuses on engaging patients and the public. By expanding our network, we can take steps towards changing the conversation and creating innovative approaches that achieve a more sustainable health care system in Manitoba.

About our Partners

The Centre for Healthcare Innovation

George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) is a joint venture between the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and the University of Manitoba. CHI works to ensure that the latest research and evidence are translated into improved patient outcomes, enhanced patient experiences and improved access to care for Manitobans.

Shared Health logo

Shared Health

Shared Health leads the planning and coordinates the integration of patient-centred clinical and preventive health services across Manitoba. The organization also delivers specific province-wide health services and supports centralized administrative and business functions for Manitoba health organizations.