Content to engage medical practitioners and patients in conversations about medical tests, treatments, and procedures, so they can better understand when they are necessary and right for each patient.
Improving the Appropriate Use of MRI for Lower Back Pain

Lumbar spine imaging screening form
A checklist to help answer if a lower back MRI / CT is recommended or not.

Identifying Low Back Pain, common causes, treatments, preventions and exercises.
Improving Appropriate Testing

If It Ain’t Swollen, Don’t Aspirate It
Unnecessary thyroid testing is leading to overtreatment in the province of Manitoba.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Resources

A printable patient poster explaining how half of all antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary.

Are you Using Antibiotics Wisely?
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to human health worldwide. The overuse of antibiotics is a major contributor to antibiotic resistance and is threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases.
Need change ideas or help with your Choosing Wisely implementation project? Check out Choosing Wisely Canada’s downloadable toolkits developed by clinicians who have successfully implemented Choosing Wisely recommendations in their setting.

Treating Lower-Back Pain: How much bed rest is too much?
Staying in bed won’t help you get better faster.

Four Questions to Ask Your Health Care Provider
Next time you see your health care provider, talk about what you need, and what you don’t.

Colds, Flu, and Other Respiratory Illnessess: Don’t Rush to Antibiotics
A guide on when to take and when not to take antibiotics if you have a respiratory infection.

Pap Tests: When You Need Them and When You Don’t
Most women ages 21 to 69 need regular Pap tests. But teenage girls and older women usually don’t need them. Learn why.

Opioids: When You Need Them and When You Don’t
There are many ways to manage pain. Talk to your doctor about the safest option.

Treating Sinus Infections: Don’t Rush to Antibiotics
Sinus infections almost always stem from a viral infection, not a bacterial one – and antibiotics don’t work against viruses.

Vitamin D Tests: When you need them- and when you don’t
Many people don’t have enough vitamin D in their bodies. But many people do not need the test. Find out why.

Lab Tests Before Surgery: When you need them- and when you don’t
Most healthy people don’t need the tests, especially before low-risk surgery. Find out why.

Antibiotics: Three Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider
Do I really need antibiotics? What are the risks? Are there simpler, safer options?

Health Check-Ups: When You Need Them and When You Don’t
Do healthy people need annual check-ups? Learn more.
Treating Frequent Headaches with Pain Relievers: Don’t take them too often
These headaches need careful treatment, with a focus on prevention.

Antibiotics: Three Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider
When you need them – and when you don’t.

Time to Talk: Serious Illness Conversations
Serious or progressive chronic illnesses can be
stressful for patients and their loved ones.

Palliative Care: Support at any time During a Serious Illness
These headaches need careful treatment, with a focus on prevention.

Pap Tests: When You Need Them – And When You Don’t
You may receive a regular pap test if you are between the ages of 25 to 69 – but it may not always be necessary.

Avoid Unnecessary Treatments in the Emergency Department
Talking with a health care provider can help you make the best decision.

Treating Disruptive Behaviour in People with Dementia
Antipsychotic drugs are usually not the best choice.

Treating Breathing Issues: Asthma
Have you been told that you have asthma or prescribed an inhaler (puffer) for asthma, but never been tested?

Treating Breathing Issues: COPD
Have you been told that you have COPD or prescribed an inhaler (puffer) for COPD, but never been tested?
Patient Pamphlets
Choosing Wisely Patient Pamphlets are meant to help patients learn about the tests, treatments, and procedures to question, when they are necessary and when they are not, and what patients can do to improve their health.
Check out Choosing Wisely Canada’s downloadable Patient materials