Continuing Professional Development

Choosing Wisely Manitoba is continuing to work with the University of Manitoba’s CPD Medicine Program to integrate Choosing Wisely related content and resource stewardship concepts into self-directed learning and training programs.

Antimicrobial Stewardship

The University of Manitoba is now offering an online course on antimicrobial stewardship.

This series of multimedia modules, directed at community-based practitioners, provides current information about the consequences of use of antimicrobial agents, general principles for antimicrobial stewardship in primary care, as well as strategies to optimize antimicrobial use in a variety of common clinical scenarios.

Learn more here

CPD Opportunities for Primary Care Providers

  1. Pearls™ – When you complete a Pearls ™ exercise that includes a specific question and literature search involving any one of the Choosing Wisely Canada (CWC) recommendations you earn 6 Mainpro+ credits.
  2. Linking to Learning Exercises
    1. When you participate in a Linking Learning to Assessment exercise that reflects improvement in practice you are eligible for 6 Mainpro+
    2. Using a Linking Learning to Practice or administration exercise to document how a tool has had an impact on your practice can earn you 5 Mainpro+ credits. There is no maximum on the number of exercises you can
  3. Participation in Choosing Wisely Canada National Meetings – if you attend a CWC National Meeting you are eligible for 7-8 Mainpro+
  4. Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters (POEMS) – Many POEMS focus on areas of overuse, inappropriate use, and resource stewardship. For each POEM reviewed you earn 1 Mainpro+ credit/ article (POEMS are free for CMA members in the portal).
  5. Using Antibiotics Wisely module: This activity earns CFPC members 1 Mainpro+ credit/hour

CPD Opportunities for physicians through the Royal College

  1. When you participate in a self-assessment activity that reflects improvement in your knowledge and clinical decision making based on scientific evidence, you can claim it under Section 3 of the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. For example, when you receive your practice data and reflect on how you can reduce care that is not supported by evidence or is inappropriate, you can claim the number of hours spent on this exercise under Section 3 of the MOC .
  2. When you attend the Choosing Wisely Canada National Meeting you can claim this under Section 1 of the MOC program .
  3. Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters (POEMS) – Many POEMS focus on areas of overuse, inappropriate use, and resource stewardship. For each POEM reviewed, you can claim .25 credits per particle under Section 2 of the MOC program (POEMS are free for CMA members in the portal).
  4. Using Antibiotics Wisely module: This activity is an Accredited Self-Assessment Program (Section 3). Physicians may claim a maximum of 30 minutes per program (credits are automatically calculated).